Year 6

Class Blog

Rhinos class have created a blog to share what they are up to on a daily basis, click the link below to view it
Rhino Class Blog

Curriculum Guide

Curriculum Guide Year 6 Autumn 1 (2015)

Year 6 Gymnastics

As part of our P.E. curriculum our class have been exploring synchronised balance routines and jumps using the springboards.

Mayan Art – Year 6 Rhinos

Rhino’s Class have been learning about the Mayans and they have really enjoyed producing some Mayan art.

Electricity – Year 6 Rhinos

Last half term the children leant about electricity. They took part in different experiments to find out about insulators and conductors. They also used a wide variety of equipment to make different circuits.

Year 6 Rhinos STEM Ambassador Visit

Rhinos Class had a visit from a STEM ambassador. Helen is an electrical engineer from TI Automotive.

The children asked her lots of questions about her job to find out what it would be like to work in her industry.